About Me
My name is Noah Schiess. I am 18 years old and a senior at Bowie High School. I greatly enjoy food, and also video games.This website was created as a portfolio for my best projects and works I have done throughout the year in my Animation 3 class. Enjoy.
Technology Autobiography
Technology means very much to me. It has played a massive role in my life so far, and will continue to influence my future. It is a major source of information, and most of all, is my main source of entertainment.
My history with technology is a long one. The very first time I played video games was at my cousin’s house when I about four or five years old. My older brother and me would go down to the basement where they had an Xbox, and we would play Halo. Five years later, my brother and I were reminiscing our past fun, and decided to buy and Xbox 360. Ever since I got the 360, I have spent hundreds upon hundreds of hours playing Halo and also mostly the Call of Duty franchise. If I had to guess, I’d say I have spent four to five months worth of time playing Call of Duty.
My experience with technology is obviously video games, and also, like most people in the 21st century, with the smart phone. Without it, I probably wouldn’t be able to survive. My experience with animation is somewhat limited. I have decent practice with Adobe Flash, Photoshop, and have used After Effects and Illustrator in small amounts.
Hopefully in the future, I will be able to gain more experience with After Effects particularly, and also maybe with Maya. Farther in the future, I might want to have a career in animation. I have thought I might want to be an advertisement creator, or help big companies with their artwork or logos.